Privacy Safe Music/Dancing

Looking for a place to hear live  music?  Maybe dance?  Perhaps a formal ballroom? Go to a club and listen to a DJ?  Check out these non-Redzone places!

IMPORTANT- Redzone updates often.  While I have thoroughly checked out these locations, please realize by enabling music and/or media you are doing so at your own risk.

Update- Should anyone visit one of these locations and get a Redzone warning, please notify me in-world so I can re-check.  

BIG DADDY'S 80'S CLUB- secondlife://Jaded Island/173/188/22
Mojo Haven - Blues and Rock Club!- secondlife://Holmesk/171/56/21
Molaskey's Pub Bonfire Beach-
Purple Haze Classic Rock Club- secondlife://Quartz/98/200/23
SANCTUARY ROCK CLUB & MALL- secondlife://Sanctuary Rock/102/130/70